Opening Hours Tuesday 8.30am to 3.30pm Thursday 8.30am to 3.30pm Friday 8.30am to 3.30pm
Our sustainability practices are wide and varied and are woven throughout our service from the resources we use, sources of items including donations and opportunity shops to the plants we grow including watering them with rain water
We have a huge natural outdoor play space that invites connections with the natural environment at every turn.
Our learning environment encourages children to explore the world around them and seek out knowledge and make discoveries within a supportive environment that encourages risk taking, sharing and self-paced learning.
We have a classroom full of open-ended experiences and opportunities for choice of play based learning resources including lots of natural materials.
We actively engage children in physical activities throughout the day including child lead, spontaneous and pre-planned small and whole group activities.
We also promote healthy eating/nutrition through the program and information for children and families.
During Terms 2 and 3 the children enjoy spending time cooking and eating toast together in the mornings.
We provide for children’s individual needs each day, encouraging them to decide what their body needs at each meal break i.e. eating lunch at first meal break if they wish to do so.
An area of the yard was tired and educators decided to involve the children in its redevelopment. Initial discussions centered on what could we do with the area and over many days a design evolved including use of tyres for planting and tee pees from bamboo.
Children and educators then created “a plan of attack” listing what we needed, who and how to get it. The children were then involved in every step from weeding the area to bringing in the tyres and bark, planting and tee pee construction. Families assisted with provision of materials including mulch and tyres.